Procurement Process
Micro Purchases
Micro-purchase procedure below $3,500: Only one quotation needs to be solicited if the price received is considered reasonable. Such purchases must be distributed equitably among qualified sources. Selected SMHO employees can procure supplies and/or services in the Micro Purchase threshold either using a designated SMHO credit card or preferably bill to an SMHO account. The selected vendor must be able to accept credit card payment and offer account billing/invoicing options.
Small Purchases
Small purchase procedure over $2,000 for construction and over $3,500 for non-construction but not exceeding $150,000: No less than three offerors shall be solicited to submit price quotations through the Invitation for Quote (IFQ) process. Preferably at least one of the quotes being solicited shall be an MBE, WBE, SBE or Section 3 Business. Award shall be made to the Offeror providing the lowest acceptable quotation, unless justified in writing based on price and other specified factors.
Formal Purchasing Procedures
Formal purchasing procedures are conducted for any purchases exceeding $150,000.
Request for Proposal (RFP): Contract awarded to the responsible firm whose qualifications, price and other factors are the most advantageous to SMHO.
All vendors/contractors currently on the preferred vendor list, or seeking to be added to the list, must be able to meet SMHO’s Certificate of Insurance (COI) requirements. Please see South Metro Housing Option’s New Vender Packet below. Vendor/Contractor should register with BidNet/Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing HERE to receive and view notification of new projects open for bidding.
Davis Bacon Projects
The Davis-Bacon Act applies to all construction, alteration, or renovation projects using federal funds in excess of $2,000. Each solicitation issued by SMHO contains the Wage Determination upon which contractors should base pricing. The contract will incorporate the Wage Determination that the contractor must use. Additional information is available by contacting SMHO’s Davis-Bacon Procurement Specialist at
Current RFPs (Requests For Proposal)
South Metro Housing Options will post open solicitations through BidNet/Rock Mountain E-Purchasing. Please click HERE to register and view solicitations.