
Introducing… Montview Flats!
South Metro Housing Options (SMHO) was recently awarded federal tax credits through the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program for the development of a new property called Montview Flats.
Located in downtown Littleton and next door to SMHO’s main office, Montview Flats will serve families earning incomes averaging from 30%-70% of the area median income (AMI). The 50-unit building will seamlessly integrate with the downtown surroundings. The proximity to the heart of downtown will create direct access to vital amenities, including Arapahoe Community College, the regional trail system, light rail access with service to downtown Denver, and a wide variety of employment and retail opportunities.
“From a big-picture perspective, this tax credit award gives SMHO the opportunity to expand the number of affordable homes in our community, meaning we can help more people,” said Corey Reitz, SMHO Executive Director.
The City’s IHO is another critical component for Montview Flats becoming a reality. It includes fee rebates as well as relief from parking, density, and lot size requirements that make affordable developments possible on sites where it was not before.
The cumulative efforts of SMHO and City leadership have paved the way in demonstrating how the IHO works to unlock new housing possibilities for our community. We are moving the needle forward in addressing Littleton’s housing gap by working together.
More information on Montview Flats will be shared as it becomes available.