HCV Participants
Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) Participants
Housing Choice Voucher Program participant with SMHO can find commonly used forms below.
Once you have completed the form, please return it to your housing specialist along with any necessary verification documents (if applicable). Should you have any questions please contact your housing specialist.
Important Forms and Information:
- Click here for the 2025 Payment Standards.
- Click here for the 2025 Utility Allowance Schedule.
- Participants intending to move should complete the Intent To Vacate Form. Click here for form.
- Current HCV participants with a change in income, click here to download the Interim Income/Family Change Form.
- Current HCV participants with a change in family composition, click here to download the Change in Family/Household Composition Packet.
Information for HCV participants porting from other jurisdictions — If interested in moving to SMHO’s jurisdiction, first contact your current housing authority. Once SMHO receives your paperwork, you will be contacted to provide additional information, and to attend an orientation at our office.
Paperwork should be sent to:
South Metro Housing Options
Attn: Annette Rodriguez-Santos
5808 S. Rapp St. / Suite 100
Littleton, CO 80120
You are welcome to contact Annette Rodriguez-Santos, Monday through Thursday, with any questions or for additional assistance at (303) 991-5607, or fax (303) 794-0806, or email at arodriguez@smho.co.
Housing Choice Vouchers Team:
Annette Rodriguez-Santos
Navigator/HCV Specialist
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Robin Ramirez
HCV Specialist Lead
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Stefanie Rowe
HCV Specialist
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